Say goodbye to stress

Using the resources on this website, you’ll learn how to run a business you can be proud of and live a life that’s even better.

Teach Your Calendar

Who’s Boss!

So you took out a 6 figure loan, went to school for 7 years and got a law degree, and now you’re a prisoner of your own business— underpaid, overworked, and miserable. 

That’s where I come in, because I’ve been there.  Now I’m a lawyer with a successful multi-million dollar firm AND a consulting company that works just three days a week. I want to help you be able to say you’re living life the way you imagined when you first went to law school.

If that all sounds good to you, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find articles, speeches, and other resources to help you learn on your own time, and if that’s not enough, opportunities to work directly with me. If you’re not sure what you need yet, feel free to take a look around, but I suggest my weekly newsletter as the perfect place to start.

Ready to get started? Book Now!
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What Makes Me So Special?

Nothing! I’m just like you, except it’s a future you.  I’m a few years into living my dream life after years of stressful 80 hour work weeks as a lawyer, and I love to share what I’ve learned with others so that I can have more friends join me on the beach or golf course (it gets lonely out here especially at noon on a Wednesday).

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Hit Me With Your

Best Spot!

I love being invited to events— especially when it involves the chance to help more people run a business they can be proud of while living a life that’s even better. Whether it’s your awesome podcast or the conference of the year, let’s chat about how I can help make it that much better.

book me to speak

It’s Not Easy

Being Green.

And it’s not easy to build a successful business while maintaining a sense of control over your life, either. That’s why I’m here, to help you create the kind of life you will love to live. Yep, you can have your cake and eat it too. Who would 
want a cake they can’t eat? (even if I am more of a cookie/brownie type guy).

how can i help you?