Im sorry or you are welcome

I’m Sorry or You’re Welcome

That’s how Twitter… now X… soon, who the fuck knows… announces a feature they're removing, and honestly, I fell in love with the concept.

So, two weeks ago, we missed/skipped a newsletter (about delayed gratification… seriously… it worked out weirdly well), and here’s why:

I’m in the process of getting bought out by my business partner at LegalEase Marketing.

Don’t worry; we are still friends. I wasn’t doing any of the day-to-day, and I’m still using them for work. I’m just no longer investing their efforts and my energy on something that doesn’t spark joy for me.

A month or so ago, I wrote to y’all asking for interest in some more 1 on 1 strategy work - it’s something I’ve been considering for a while, and the response was, frankly, overwhelming. So, it helped me accelerate my focus on launching a new venture, and I felt that it would 1) give me a conflict of interest with LegalEase (more explanation to follow), 2) require time and effort that I would have to pull from the dozen or so team members over there to get this going the way I want, and 3) help get me back to more strategy work than execution work.

So, here it is - I am going to start consulting with law firm owners, and I’m giving you all first dibs on beta access.

What Sort of Coaching?

This is NOT business coaching. Do I think this will help you grow your business? Yes. But do I also know there are a bunch of people WAY smarter than me on this topic who can do that for you? Absolutely.

So, what am I going to do, and how are we going to do it differently? We are going to focus on YOU.

This is CEO consulting - how do we get you out of the day-to-day work that your law firm demands and free you up into more of a CEO role, providing you the fuel to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Then, the flip side of that - how do we enhance your life through personal branding/networking/etc., to help you fuel your business.

Tell me More

Honestly, we are still working through the exact specifics (hence why it’s the beta), but I’ve got a few people that I have already helped with this, and here is what we did:

Audited the Calendar and Looked at What Gives you Energy

Answered the 3 Biggest Questions - how much do you NEED to make? When do you WANT to be working? What work do you WANT to be doing?

Figured out a Personal Brand

Perfected a System for Unlimited Personal Content

Created a Networking System

Outlined how to use living an awesome life as fuel for the business

Put Together a Delegation Roadmap

Worked on Systems/Processes/Automation to Maximize Efficiency

Empowered Owners to say NO more often

Put it all together in a way that is trackable and editable

Wow Amazed GIF - Wow Amazed Woah GIFs

Each step is obviously customized to the unique needs of each owner. And then I get to do the fun part: help hold you accountable and avoid the pitfalls I went through as you continue on this journey.

Remember, I went from $200,000 in debt, working 70-80 hours a week, and being generally miserable in 2018 to hitting the road for 13 months with a firm that could excel without me in 2021 (while also having launched LegalEase officially in 2020).

Do I think it will take you 3 years to see these changes? Absolutely not. Do I think this can happen in 3 months, though? Also, no.

So, What Do You Need From Me?

I say we launched LegalEase officially in 2020 because we did it unofficially for me in 2018 and then for some local attorneys in 2019. So, part of the ask here is to get more reps to make sure this works, sort of like what LegalEase did in 2019.

So far, this has worked with 2 meetings per month. I want to make sure that works for the majority of people.

So far, this has worked for law firm owners with gross revenue of $500,000 or more and at least 2 employees. I want to see if those are hard and fast rules or just what I’ve worked with.

So, I’m looking for 5 law firm owners willing to try this with me. For the rest of 2023, I will charge you $500 a month for this.

If you’re unhappy at any time, you can drop out, and I’ll refund you the last month you paid for.

If it works, I hope you (and many more) will be happy to pay more than $500 a month for the freedom and flexibility I want to help you achieve.

Longer-term, I see building this around a community of like-minded people. Owners who want to run a business they can be proud of while living a lives that are even better.

So, who’s with me? If you’re in, reply to this email, and we can find a time to get started. If you’re not, no worries. I’ll still be doing the newsletter every week, and we still have the Facebook group to help people more at scale than the consulting is designed for.

Next week, I’m going to let you know whether I cried or cheered (or both) for my kid's first day of Kindergarten and how our employees are like our children (not that you should TREAT them like kids, but… well, you’ll see next week).

Until then, have a wonderful weekend! And I hope to hear from exactly 5 of you.

Upgrade Your Life.

Okay, so this all sounds good, but you’re wondering how to start making these changes. The first important step was visiting this web page, so congrats! You’re already on the right track. The next crucial step is booking a consulting appointment with me so we can come up with a plan and replicate the results of so many others before you.

You can book an appointment here. See you soon!

Book a consultation