You can find the right people without a full CSI Team.
Last week, we talked about breaking down your marketing plan and figuring out the raw numbers you need to succeed. This week I want to build upon that by filling in some of the WHOS.
The first who you need to be aware of is - WHO do I want to hire me? Or, as I call it - who is my ideal client.
As Greg will tell you, I am constantly hammering this point home - so to make it easy, either:
1) You already have clients, and you can figure out what the ones you LOVE have in common, or
2) Just use this worksheet!
With this information which marketing effort you need to get in front of clients makes a lot more sense. If you're looking for CEOs of $10,000,000 companies... they might not be on TikTok. If you're looking for new parents who don't even realize they need an estate plan... they might not be searching on google for a lawyer. But suppose you're looking for small business owners who use IG or LI to grow their business. In that case, they're there to connect with you and benefit from your fantastic knowledge and wisdom and then hopefully hire you.
The next who is - WHO am I trying to connect with?
This could be referral sources, centers of influence, clients, friends, mentors, future employees, etc.
This WHO is essential when it comes to any marketing effort - ads, social media, networking.
For the most part, you run ads to get clients, BUT sometimes, you might instead want to meet more referral sources. For example, instead of running ads to get consults, you want zoom meetings or coffee.
When it comes to networking - you have to think about WHO your ideal client will go to when they have a legal need - a parent? A friend? Another lawyer? etc
And when it comes to social media, this is the BIGGEST mistake people make - social media CAN help you find clients, but it doesn't HAVE to. If you have 100 solid referral sources and you posting 3-5 times a week enables you to stay #1 in their minds for future referrals... that could be a worthwhile effort.
Perhaps (wink wink, nudge nudge) you can redo that same ideal client avatar sheet to be a referral source sheet, or a center of influence sheet, or a mentor checklist...
Know the WHO to make sure you're spending your time, money, and energy wisely! And if you're not sure - reach out, and let's discuss it.
Okay, so this all sounds good, but you’re wondering how to start making these changes. The first important step was visiting this web page, so congrats! You’re already on the right track. The next crucial step is booking a consulting appointment with me so we can come up with a plan and replicate the results of so many others before you.
You can book an appointment here. See you soon!